Sunday, March 22, 2015

How To: Make Your Dog Home Made Food

I've had problems with commercial dog food ever since I found out my 9 year old dog Mon Ami was allergic to chicken. For years I kept her on store bought high quality salmon dog food. I'd use half wet food and half dry food. I hate to admit it, but as she gets up in age, I've noticed she's been constipated quit often and she lost all of her front teeth on the bottom which I'd imagine makes it harder for her to chew kibble. My friend has an older dog as well and she told me she has seen drastic improvements in her health since she's started making home made dog food. I researched many recipes online and this is the best one I've found for my dogs needs. I also have a 10 week old puppy that is already on the food, as his teeth aren't ready for dry food, and he LOVES it! My favorite ingredient is the pumpkin because it cures both diarrhea and constipation, plus the dogs seem to enjoy the taste. 

My Recipe For Home Made Dog Food:

  • Two pounds lean ground turkey
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Broccoli, Cauliflower and Carrots (not frozen)
  • Large can of Organic Pumpkin (NOT the pumpkin pie mix with the spices!)


  • Cook the ground turkey 
  • In another pan with a bit of olive oil on the bottom, cook the sweet potatoes 
  • While those are cooking, use your cuisinart to puree all the vegetables with the pumpkin and a few table spoons of water
  • Once pureed, put in the tupperware as you will not be cooking this, we want these ingredients raw
  • When everything is finished cooking, let cool then add it to your tupperwares and mix
  • I try to make enough to freeze some so I have food for a few weeks
Articles on the Benefits of Home Made Dog Food:

{ Mon Ami at 9 years young! }
{ Ralph Lauren at 9 weeks! }

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Review: Magnesium Lotion

I've talked before about my love of magnesium oil, so when I was in the drug store the other day and saw Epsom Lotion, I read the ingredients and they were very minimal so I decided to try it out! I love it! Although it contains less magnesium than the oil I use, it stings less and is fragrent free, smooth and very pleasant.  I've also noticed that even though it leaves a trace amount of white salt behind, it's not nearly as grimy as the oil making it ideal for daytime use. I found it to be very calming after a shower and more hydrating than mag oil, which I usually add jojoba oil to. Give it a try! I found an article on it helping with acne, click here to read it on Progressive Health. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wheatgrass World...

One of the best experiences of my life was spending a week at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego, California.  It's a lovely place you stay that serves you a raw food diet, a key to a room where you strain your own wheat grass open 24 hours a day, health and nutrition classes, massages and colonics onsite, daily yoga...a place of great healing for mind, body and spirit! I left there with a major wheatgrass addiction after hearing all the benefits of it  { click here to read an article on wheatgrass saying  Chlorophyll is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other food element }   but the strangest thing I did there with wheatgrass is put it in my eye! Yes, inside my eye. At the general store at OHI, they sell eye cups and you of course take your contacts out, then dilute wheatgrass juice with half fresh water and place your face down on top of the eye cup, tilt your head back, open your eye and let it sit for 30 seconds. There are many topical benefits to wheatgrass, but my favorite compliment was from a friend who said she's never seen such white eyes! Love it! If you have the convenience of having your own wheatgrass juicer at home, I suggest you try this. Or you can get a few shots of it to go, but hurry home and use it as it tends to oxidize quickly. 
{ Wearing The Love Bullet } 

"Granny Sheeran told me when I’m looking for a partner to fall in love with their eyes cause eyes are the only things that don’t age, so if you fall in love with their eyes you’ll be in love forever."  -Ed Sheeran

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Recipe: Kale Chips

The easiest recipe ever! Tear kale in chip size pieces, put a small amount of olive oil on your hands and toss the kale to get a bit on every piece. Put on a baking sheet lined with tin foil, add a pinch of salt, minced garlic and parmesian then pop in the oven at 375 degrees until desired crispiness. I usually find it takes about 15 minutes and sometimes I take them out half way through and move them around so they all get crispy. Toss them in a bowl and sprinkle a bit of lemon juice on them and bon apetit! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Skinny On Skin Brushing

I've heard a lot about skin brushing in the shower and I decided to try it. There's many articles online that claim it helps with dry skin, cellulite :)circulation and lymphatic drainage, and ultimately ridding the body of toxins. I've heard that you start from the feet up using the brush in circles and always be mindful that all your movements are toward your heart. Maybe that was on a hippie website, but I do it anyways. Below are some interesting articles on this health routine as well as another great article on magnesium oil benefits... since the brush helps slough off dead skin, I notice my magnesium oil has been absorbing more efficiently! I love that stuff! 

Dry Brushing articles:

Magnesium article: